How can you help me?

Reading this web page is an important first step you have taken to recognise where you are at.  If you have made it here it is likely that you’re contemplating a change in yourself or in some aspect of your personal or professional life. My approach places our relationship at the core of our work together. In this secure and confidential space, my extensive training allows me to assist you in comprehending both your current challenges and past experiences, offering insights into what may be affecting you in the present and crucially providing you with the tools to make decisions about what is right for you moving forward.

What happens when I contact you?

I will arrange for us to have an initial free of charge chat about how I can help.  This gives you the opportunity to get to know more about me and how I work.

Will you tell anyone what I tell you?

We will contract for full confidentiality together.  The only time I would break this agreement is if I felt that you were in immediate danger of harm, and I would always aim to discuss this with you first.

How often will we meet?

Therapy sessions take place once a week, and each session lasts 50 minutes.   Coaching may take less frequently, but last for a longer duration of 90 minutes.

How much does it cost?

My fees are competitive within the field, reflective of my experience, background, and training and qualifications.  Please contact me for further details.

How are Coaching and Therapy different?

This is a reasonable and frequently posed question, and it might be helpful to begin by examining their commonalities. People typically seek the guidance of either a coach or a therapist when they desire a change in some aspect of their lives. I firmly believe that both professions have the potential to be equally effective in assisting individuals in achieving their objectives. The success often depends on the nature of the initial challenge and the unique experiences and circumstances of the individual.

While some clients find significant professional progress with a coach, there are instances where the anticipated sense of personal freedom or happiness doesn’t materialise, and a feeling of being ‘stuck’ persists. This may be due to unexpected challenges in other areas of life or relationships, revealing deeper blocks or barriers to achieving sustained behavioural and psychological change. While many coaches can address these effectively, some individuals may find value in sessions with a therapist. Therapists are trained to create a secure, emotionally contained, and ethical space for individuals to explore discomfort at more profound levels.

As a qualified and experienced practitioner in both coaching and therapy, I can assist you in determining the approach that aligns with your needs. For some clients, a preference may be ‘pure therapy,’ while others may benefit from an integrated form of both coaching and therapy, often referred to as ‘therapeutic coaching’ by practitioners with similar training and backgrounds to mine.

How many sessions do clients normally have with you?

The duration of our work together depends on the specific challenges and circumstances presented by each client, as well as the goals they aim to achieve through therapy or coaching. I offer flexible arrangements, ranging from short-term contracts spanning a few months to open-ended, long-term relationships that may extend for several years. For those new to therapy or coaching, our initial agreement often involves a commitment to six sessions, with ongoing reviews to ensure the approach aligns with your needs and progress.

Book a discovery call

Coaching & Therapy

Working with Organisations


Executive Coaching


07918 545140
